Non traded reit liquidity events
Your best source of information about a non-traded REIT's path to liquidity will be SEC filings made by the REIT itself, found on the SEC's EDGAR database. Decisions about distributions, redemptions and "liquidity events" such as going public or selling property are made by the REIT that owns the actual real estate. Henderson, Mallett, and McCann An Empirical Analysis of Non-Traded REITs. traded REIT IRR is 6.3%, compared to 11.6% for the traded REITs. The non-traded REIT IRRs range from -14.7% to 36.8%, with an interquartile range of 6.4% (3.0% to 9.4%). Lack of liquidity. Non-traded REITs are illiquid investments, which mean that they cannot be sold readily in the market. Instead, investors generally must wait until the non-traded REIT lists its shares on an exchange or liquidates its assets to achieve liquidity. These liquidity events, however, might not occur until more than 10 years after